
Core Tenet: 

“Those who know of Beliefism believe in its principles. Those who do not can come to believe if they come to know.”

Core Beliefs:

1. Knowledge is Sacred: The act of understanding Beliefism is a path to belief. The more one knows, the deeper their belief becomes.

2. Everyone Can Believe: Even if someone doesn’t believe now, there is potential in every soul to embrace the teachings of Beliefism.

3. Spreading Knowledge: Followers have a duty to spread the knowledge of Beliefism, so that others might have the opportunity to believe.


1. Day of Knowing: Once a week, followers gather to share stories, experiences, and knowledge about the principles of Beliefism.

2. Initiation of Knowledge: A ceremony for newcomers who express interest in Beliefism, introducing them to its basic tenets.


1. The Open Book: Represents the knowledge that leads to belief.

2. The Joining Hands: Symbolizes the community of Beliefists and their shared understanding.

Ethical Guidelines:

1. Seek Understanding: Always strive to understand others, even if they do not yet believe.

2. Promote Peace: Knowledge and understanding should be spread peacefully, without coercion.

3. Respect Doubt: It’s natural to question. Doubt is seen as a step on the path to deeper understanding and belief.